BMW 3 Series E30

since 1983-1994 release

Repair and operation of the car

+ 1. Maintenance instruction
+ 2. Maintenance
+ 3. Engine
+ 4. Cooling system
+ 5. Heating and ventilation
- 6. Fuel system
   6.2. Specifications
   6.3. Check of system of injection
   6.4. Air stream measuring instrument
   6.5. Throttle branch pipe
   6.6. Fuel pressure regulator
   6.7. Nozzle of launch of the cold engine and thermotimer
   6.8. Check and replacement of nozzles
   6.9. Air proofreader of idling
   6.10. Order of a decompression of fuel system
   6.11. Check of pressure of fuel
   6.12. The fuel pump, the pump of pumping and the fuel level sensor in a tank
   6.13. Fuel pipes and union
   6.14. Fuel tank
   6.15. Air filter
   6.16. Cable of the drive of a butterfly valve
   6.17. Carburetor
+ 7. Exhaust system
+ 8. Transmissions
+ 9. Coupling
+ 10. Brake system
+ 11. Running gear
+ 12. Body
+ 13. Electric equipment
+ 14. Useful tips

Первая помощи на рыбалке

6.7. Nozzle of launch of the cold engine and thermotimer


Nozzle of launch of the cold engine (A) and thermotimer (In)

Nozzle of launch of the cold engine (Motronic system)


1. Check is carried out at a temperature of engine not above 30 °C. Disconnect the socket from a nozzle and take aside.
2. Unscrew 2 screws and get a nozzle, without disconnecting a fuel pipe. Exclude operation of ignition, having disconnected and having grounded a high-voltage wire of the coil. Start the fuel pump for 1 min., перемкнув its conclusions to the relay. During this time leak of fuel from a nozzle should not be observed. Otherwise replace a nozzle. Switch off ignition and remove a crossing point.
L-Jetronic system
3. Attach the socket to a nozzle and substitute under it a vessel. Ask the assistant to include ignition and a starter. The stream of conical shape has to be observed. If a stream faltering, then clean a nozzle or replace.
4. If the stream is absent, then check tension on the socket at inclusion of a starter. If there is no tension, then replace the thermorelay.

Thermotimer (relay of a starting nozzle)

The thermotimer operates a nozzle of launch of the cold engine, providing opening of a starting nozzle for a certain time which depends on engine temperature. The relay is mounted near the liquid temperature sensor. Check is carried out at a temperature of engine not above 30 °C.

1. Exclude operation of ignition, having disconnected and having grounded a high-voltage wire of the coil. Remove a cover from the relay and connect the voltmeter to black yellow wire of the socket.
2. For this purpose ask the assistant to include ignition and a starter. Tension has to appear at the time of inclusion of a starter and later 6–10 sec., depending on engine temperature, disappear.
3. If tension is, then open the socket check short circuit of contacts of the relay.
4. Attach a wire of the coil and warm up the engine up to the temperature not below 41 °C. Contacts of the relay have to be opened. Otherwise replace the relay.


Starting nozzle
1. Execute a decompression.
2. Disconnect the socket from a nozzle.
3. Unscrew the union and disconnect a fuel pipe (or disconnect a hose).
4. Unscrew 2 screws and get a nozzle.
5. Installation is carried out upside-down.
6. On the cooled-down engine turn off a tank mouth stopper.
7. Disconnect the socket from the relay.
8. A face key turn out the relay and immediately to prevent liquid loss, wrap the new relay.